
Westville Solar TD / Deep Red Brown / NEW / ケース別


製品開発やモニタリングの期間中より国内外のアーティスト様方からも大絶賛を頂き、渡辺香津美さんや田島貴男さん、細井徳太郎さん、海外ではHristo VitchefさんやAlbert Vilaさんのメインギターの1本としても活躍する「オール単板削り出し」のフルホロウ・モデル、ウェストヴィル・ソーラー・シリーズ。こちらはその薄ボディ/2×ハムバッカー仕様です!

61mmの胴厚を持つ既存モデルのSolarをベースに、約3割弱薄い44mmの胴厚に設定されたこのモデル、ブリッジ・ポジションにはUSA Kent ArmstrongのAlnico-Vカスタム・ハムバッカーが追加され、フルホロウ・モデルながらセミホロウ・モデルの領域まで十分にカバー出来る、幅広いサウンド・キャラクターのギターに仕上げられております!

その他詳細につきましては、03-5467-1625 ウォーキン渋谷駅前店3Fまでよろしくお願い致します!

– official web page –

The Westville “Solar” is a very special and unique instrument made out completely of solid carved woods.

The guitar is a fully hollow thin-line archtop that features a solid carved “Stika Spruce” top and a solid carved “Hard Maple” back..

Its unique design and construction also features a solid carved (routed) “Hard Maple” side rim. This innovative and sophisticated design of the solid carved sides (side rim routed from 1 3/4″ thick “Hard Maple” plate) is complemented and enhanced by the structurally supportive and rigid “end block” on which the tailpiece of the guitar is mounted. The gorgeous Westville figured maple and brass hybrid tailpiece is directly attached to the end block of the guitar with a hard maple spacer providing the perfect balance between tension and resonance of the instrument.

The Solar has an extremely responsive and dynamically sensitive sound, with deep, rich and beautifully voiced overtone presence as well as the playability of a “dream” guitar!.

We at Westville hope that our “Solar” model will inspire many players to uncover the deepest landscapes of their musical universe and give their music a fresh new voice and character.



【ハードケース(同時お買上特価)Westville Original Brown Hard Case for Butter, Water, Vanguard, Solar TD / 14.8インチ幅/セミアコ用 / ¥24,000】


【ソフトケース(同時お買上特価)Westville Original Gigbag for Butter, Water, Vanguard, Solar TD / 14.8インチ幅/セミアコ用 / ¥28,500】


Westville Solar TD / Deep Red Brown / NEW / ケース別 #2411008

在庫状態 : 売り切れ SOLD